Are you constantly finding your plastic furniture gnawed on by pesky squirrels? It can be frustrating to witness these seemingly harmless creatures turn your outdoor space into their personal chewing playground. Not only does it compromise the aesthetics of your furniture, but it also poses potential hazards. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to deter squirrels from nibbling on your plastic possessions.

From understanding the reasons behind their chewing habits to employing practical and humane deterrents, taking proactive steps can help safeguard your outdoor furniture. In this guide, we will explore various methods and tips on how to stop squirrels from eating plastic furniture. Embracing these solutions will not only preserve the integrity of your outdoor decor but also contribute to a more harmonious coexistence with these industrious, furry neighbors.
Importance of Addressing the Issue of Squirrels Eating Plastic Furniture
As cute and harmless as squirrels may seem, their tendency to chew on various objects can cause major problems for homeowners. One such issue is the damage they can do to plastic furniture. Not only does this harm the aesthetic appeal of outdoor spaces, but it also poses a safety risk for small children and pets who may come into contact with the damaged furniture. In addition, constantly replacing or repairing plastic furniture can be a costly and time-consuming task.
Therefore, it is important to address the issue of squirrels eating plastic furniture in order to protect both your property and the animals themselves. By finding effective methods to prevent or deter squirrels from chewing on plastic furniture, you can create a safer and more visually appealing environment for everyone. In this document, we will discuss some tips and techniques to help you stop squirrels from damaging your plastic furniture. So let’s dive in and learn how to keep these furry critters from wreaking havoc on your outdoor space!
10 Methods How to Stop Squirrels from Eating Plastic Furniture
1. Use Repellents
One of the most effective ways to keep squirrels away from plastic furniture is to use repellents. There are a variety of commercial repellents available on the market that can be sprayed onto plastic furniture to deter squirrels from coming near it. Additionally, natural repellents such as peppermint oil or garlic can also be used to help keep squirrels away.
2. Install Barriers
Another way to protect plastic furniture from being eaten by squirrels is to install physical barriers around it. This could include things like chicken wire or mesh fencing that surrounds the furniture and prevents squirrels from getting close enough to chew on it.
3. Remove Attractants
Removing attractants is another important step in keeping squirrels away from plastic furniture. Squirrels are attracted to food sources, so it’s important to make sure that all food sources are kept away from the furniture and any nearby areas where squirrels may congregate. Additionally, bird feeders should be kept far away from plastic furniture as they can also attract squirrels who will then try to chew on the furniture in search of food.

4. Trim Trees and Bushes Nearby
Trimming trees and bushes near the plastic furniture can also help keep squirrels away as they provide easy access for them to climb up and onto the furniture. By trimming back any branches that are within reach of the furniture, you can make it much more difficult for squirrels to get close enough to chew on it.
5. Cover Plastic Furniture
Covering plastic furniture with a tarp or other protective material is another good way to prevent damage caused by chewing squirrels. This will not only protect the surface of the plastic but will also make it harder for a curious squirrel to access and chew on it, thus protecting it from further damage.
6. Apply Taste Deterrents
Applying taste deterrents such as hot sauce or cayenne pepper directly onto the surface of plastic furniture can also be an effective method for keeping squirrels away as they do not like these flavors and will stay far away if they detect them on their food source (in this case, your plastic furniture).

7. Place Decoys Nearby
Placing decoys such as fake owls or snakes near your plastic furniture can also help keep curious squirrels at bay, as they will think there is a predator nearby and avoid coming too close out of fear for their safety.
8. Use Ultrasonic Devices
Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that humans cannot hear, but animals can, which makes them an ideal solution for keeping animals away without causing any harm or discomfort. These devices work by emitting a loud noise whenever motion is detected, which scares off any animals in its vicinity, including curious squirrels who may have been planning on chewing your plastic furniture.

9. Utilize Live Traps
Live traps are an effective way of catching pesky animals, such as squirrels, who may have been frequenting your property and causing damage. Once caught, you can then relocate them far enough away so that they do not return. However, be sure to check local laws before setting live traps in order to ensure you are following all regulations.
10. Hire Professional Help
If all else fails, hiring professional help may be necessary in order to rid yourself of problem critters such as pesky squirrels who just won’t stop chewing your precious outdoor plastics. Professionals have experience dealing with wildlife removal and know how best to handle these sorts of situations without harming any animals in the process.
Things to Consider When Dealing With Squirrels
Squirrels are cute and playful creatures that can bring joy to our surroundings. However, when it comes to your plastic furniture, they can be quite destructive. If you have ever experienced squirrels chewing or nibbling on your plastic furniture, you know how frustrating it can be. Not only does this damage your property, but it also poses a safety hazard for the squirrels themselves. Fortunately, there are ways to stop squirrels from eating plastic furniture. In this guide, we will discuss some important things to consider when dealing with these pesky creatures.
Understanding Squirrels
Before trying any methods to keep squirrels away from your plastic furniture, it is important to understand their behavior and habits. Squirrels are active and curious animals, always on the lookout for food. They have sharp teeth that constantly grow, which they need to keep filing down by chewing on objects. This is why they are attracted to plastic furniture, as it provides a satisfying material for them to gnaw on.
Natural Deterrents
The first step in preventing squirrels from eating your plastic furniture is to use natural deterrents. This includes using plants, scents, and sounds that squirrels find unpleasant. Some common natural deterrents include:
- Plants: Certain plants like daffodils, marigolds, and alliums have a strong odor that repels squirrels.
- Scents: Squirrels do not like strong smells such as peppermint, cayenne pepper, or garlic. Using these scents around your plastic furniture can discourage them from coming near.
- Sounds: Squirrels are sensitive to loud and sudden noises. You can use wind chimes or ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds to keep them away.
Physical Barriers
Another effective way to protect your plastic furniture from squirrels is by using physical barriers. This can be as simple as placing a mesh or wire fence around the furniture, making it difficult for squirrels to access. You can also wrap your furniture with double-sided tape or sprinkle chili powder on it, which will make it uncomfortable for them to chew.
Common Mistakes to Avoid when Dealing with Squirrels
When we think of squirrels, we often picture cute and furry animals scurrying around in search of acorns. However, for many homeowners, these creatures can quickly become a nuisance. One of the most common problems that homeowners face is squirrels eating plastic furniture.
Not Securing Your Furniture Properly
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not securing their plastic furniture properly. Squirrels are agile creatures and can easily climb on top of your outdoor furniture, even if it is placed on a table or elevated surface. To prevent this, make sure to secure your furniture by anchoring it to the ground or placing weights on the bottom.
Using Ineffective Repellents
Many people turn to repellents as a way to keep squirrels away from their furniture. However, not all repellents are created equal. For example, mothballs and predator urine have been found to be largely ineffective against squirrels.
Instead of wasting your money on these products, try using natural methods such as planting strong-smelling herbs like mint or rosemary around your furniture. These scents act as a deterrent for squirrels, keeping them at bay.

Leaving Food Out
It’s no secret that squirrels are attracted to food. Leaving out bird seed or other snacks can easily lure these critters towards your furniture. Make sure to keep any food sources away from your plastic furniture so as not to entice the squirrels.
To sum up, squirrels can be persistent when they are hungry. It’s important for homeowners to understand common methods for preventing squirrels from eating their plastic furniture including deterring the animals with smells, motion-activated devices, and cayenne pepper. The most successful strategies often combine two or more of these methods so that homeowners can be sure to protect their outdoor furnishings from being chewed up by pesky rodents.
Of course it is also important to remember that squirrels are wild animals and should never be harmed in order to protect your furniture; instead consider humane deterrents such as all natural repellants. With a bit of patience and reminds of the couple tips provided in this post, you may just have the perfect solution on how to stop squirrels from eating plastic furniture.