What to Clean Furniture with Before Chalk Painting

Embarking on a chalk painting project can breathe new life into tired and worn furniture, but the key to a successful transformation lies in the preparation. One critical step before applying that charming chalk finish is ensuring that your furniture is clean and ready to absorb the paint. The question arises: what is the ideal cleaning method to employ before chalk painting?

What to Clean Furniture with Before Chalk Painting

The answer involves a thoughtful consideration of the furniture’s material, existing finishes, and any accumulated grime or residue. In this article, we explore what to clean furniture with before chalk painting. From gentle cleansers to effective techniques tailored to different surfaces, understanding how to properly prep your furniture sets the stage for a chalk painting project that not only looks stunning but also stands the test of time.

Importance of Proper Cleaning before Chalk Painting

When it comes to chalk painting, proper cleaning is a crucial step that should never be overlooked. A clean surface ensures better adhesion of the paint and results in a smooth and professional finish. Many beginners make the mistake of skipping this step or not properly cleaning their furniture, which can lead to unsatisfactory results.

But what exactly should you clean your furniture with before chalk painting? There are a few options, each with its own benefits and considerations.

Warm Water and Soap

The most basic and easily accessible option is warm water and soap. This simple solution can effectively remove dirt, grime, and other surface contaminants from your furniture. However, it may not be strong enough to remove tough stains or built-up wax or polish residue.

White Vinegar and Water

White vinegar is a natural cleaner that can be used to clean various surfaces, including furniture, before chalk painting. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to remove dirt, grease, and wax residue from your furniture. This solution is also effective in neutralizing any odors on your furniture.

Basic and Easily 
Accessible Option

TSP (Trisodium Phosphate)

TSP is a powerful cleaner that is commonly used for pre-painting preparation. It can effectively remove tough stains, grease, and grime from surfaces, making it ideal for heavily soiled or old furniture. However, TSP is a strong chemical and should be handled with caution. It’s recommended to wear gloves and protective eyewear when using TSP.

Denatured Alcohol

Denatured alcohol is another option for pre-painting cleaning. It can remove wax, polish, and other surface contaminants from your furniture. However, it may not be as effective on tough stains or heavily soiled surfaces.

10 Methods for What to Clean Furniture with before Chalk Painting

1. Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuuming is one of the best methods for cleaning furniture before chalk painting. A vacuum cleaner can be used to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the surface of the furniture. This will help create a smoother surface for painting and will ensure that the paint adheres better to the furniture. Additionally, vacuuming can help to reduce the amount of sanding that needs to be done before painting.

2. Tack Cloth

A tack cloth is a special type of cloth that is designed specifically for removing dust and lint from surfaces before painting. The cloth is made up of very fine fibers that are electrostatically charged, which helps them attract dust particles. Simply wipe down the furniture with a tack cloth before painting to ensure a smooth finish.

A Tack Cloth is a 
Special Type of Cloth

3. Denatured Alcohol

Denatured alcohol is a great option for cleaning furniture prior to chalk painting as it evaporates quickly and does not leave any residue behind. It can be used to remove grease and oil from furniture surfaces, making it easier for paint to adhere properly. When using denatured alcohol, make sure you wear gloves and use it in a well-ventilated area, as it can be toxic if inhaled or ingested in large amounts.

4. Dish Soap

Dish soap is another effective method for cleaning furniture before chalk painting, as it can help remove grease and oil without leaving any residue behind on the surface of the furniture. To use dish soap for cleaning your furniture, mix one tablespoon of mild dish soap with one gallon of warm water in a bucket and then dip a clean rag into the solution and wring out most of the excess liquid before wiping down your furniture with it.

5. White Vinegar

White vinegar is an excellent natural cleaner that can be used to prepare wood surfaces prior to chalk painting them, as it helps remove dirt, grease, wax buildup, and other contaminants from surfaces without damaging them in any way or leaving behind any residue that could interfere with paint adhesion later on down the road. To use white vinegar for cleaning your wood surfaces, simply mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then spray onto your wood surface and wipe off with a clean rag or sponge afterwards.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another great natural cleaner that can be used to clean wood surfaces prior to chalk painting them, as it helps remove dirt, grease, wax buildup, and other contaminants without damaging or discoloring wood surfaces in any way or leaving behind any residue that could interfere with paint adhesion later on down the road. To use baking soda as a cleaner, simply mix two tablespoons of baking soda into one cup of warm water until dissolved, then dip a clean rag into this mixture then wring out most of the excess liquid before wiping down your wood surface with it. 

7. Steel Wool

Steel wool is an abrasive material that can be used for scrubbing away tough stains from wooden surfaces such as dried glue or varnish before chalk painting them. It should only be used on unfinished wood surfaces, however, as steel wool may scratch finished wood surfaces. When using steel wool, make sure you wear gloves as it may cause skin irritation if not handled properly. 

Steel Wool is an Abrasive Material

8. Sandpaper

Sandpaper is an abrasive material commonly used for sanding down wooden surfaces prior to chalk painting them. The grit size you choose will depend on what type of finish you are trying to achieve – finer grits are better suited for creating smooth finishes while coarser grits are better suited for creating rougher finishes. When using sandpaper, make sure you wear protective eyewear and gloves as particles may fly into your eyes or cause skin irritation if not handled properly. 

9. Paint Thinner

Paint Thinner is an effective solvent-based cleaner that can be used to remove wax buildup from wooden surfaces prior to chalk painting them. It should only be used on unfinished wood surfaces, however, as paint thinner may damage finished wood surfaces. When using paint thinner, make sure you wear gloves as it may cause skin irritation if not handled properly. 

10. Dry Cloth 

A dry cloth such as microfiber cloth or cheesecloth can also be used for cleaning wooden surfaces prior to chalk painting them by simply wiping away dust particles from all sides of your piece of furniture. This will help create an even surface texture, which will allow paint colors applied later on down the road to look more consistent when dry. Additionally, this method of furniture cleaning can help to reduce the amount of sanding that needs to be done before painting. 

A Dry Cloth Such as 
Microfiber Cloth


In conclusion, when it comes to cleaning furniture before painting with chalk paint, you have multiple options as your disposal. Depending on the material of your furniture, you can use TSP solution, vinegar water mixture, commercial all-purpose cleaners, denatured alcohol or even a chemical stripper. It is important to consider the type of surface you are preparing before using any of these methods because some can cause damage.

After cleaning and thoroughly drying the piece of furniture, you’re ready to turn it into a work of art with the vibrant colors that comes with chalk paint. Now that you know what to clean furniture with before chalk painting, why not get creative and try out one of Sales & Mission’s home decor products today? You can be sure that they will provide you years of unique style in your home and they won’t disappoint!

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