How to Store Outdoor Furniture Covers

Storing your patio furniture over the winter is no small task. You’ve invested in comfortable chairs, a dining table, and maybe even loungers, and you don’t want the elements to damage them during the cold months when they’re not in use. While furniture covers provide crucial protection, storing them properly is key. Over the years, I’ve tried all sorts of methods to stash the heavy covers only to face a disorganized mess when it came time to uncover the furniture again next spring.

How to Store Outdoor Furniture Covers

Through some trial and error, I’ve learned the system that works best for keeping the covers neatly organized and easily accessible when the warmer weather returns. In this article, I’ll share how to store outdoor furniture covers so you can relax knowing your patio set will be preserved and ready for use again come next season.

Why May You Want to Store Outdoor Furniture Covers?

1. To Protect From the Elements

Outdoor furniture covers are designed to protect your outdoor furniture from weather and other environmental factors. Rain, sleet, snow, wind, sun exposure – all of these things can cause damage to your outdoor furniture if it is left out in the open for long periods. By storing your outdoor furniture covers away when not in use, you are ensuring that they are not exposed to these damaging elements.

You Are Increasing Their Lifespan

2. To Keep Them Clean

Leaves, dirt, and other debris can easily accumulate on your outdoor furniture covers if left outside. This means that when you go to use them again, you will have to spend time cleaning them before putting them on your furniture. By storing your outdoor furniture covers in a safe place, you are keeping them clean and ready for use at any time.

3. To Save Space

Outdoor furniture covers can take up a lot of space, especially if you have multiple pieces of furniture that require covers. By storing them away when not in use, you are freeing up valuable space in your outdoor storage area or garage. This allows for more room to store other items or to create a more organized and clutter-free space.

4. To Increase Longevity

By properly storing your outdoor furniture covers, you are increasing their lifespan. Exposure to the elements and other factors can cause wear and tear on these covers, leading to the need for replacement sooner than expected. By keeping them stored away when not in use, you are protecting them and ensuring that they last longer.

5. To Save Money

Replacing outdoor furniture covers can be costly, especially if you have multiple pieces of furniture that require covers. By storing them away when not in use, you are protecting them from damage, which ultimately saves you money in the long run. This is because you won’t have to constantly replace your covers due to wear and tear.

Simply Use Soap And Water to Clean

12 Ideas on How to Store Outdoor Furniture Covers

1. Clean the Furniture Covers Before Storing

Before you can store your outdoor furniture covers, make sure to give them a good cleaning. This will help prevent any mold or mildew from forming while they are in storage. Simply use soap and water to clean off any dirt or debris on the covers. If necessary, you can also use a gentle detergent for tougher stains. Once the covers are clean, make sure to let them dry completely before storing them.

2. Fold or Roll Your Covers Neatly

When it comes to storing your furniture covers, it’s important to neatly fold or roll them. This will not only save space but also help keep the covers in good condition. Start by folding the cover lengthwise and then widthwise, making sure to smooth out any wrinkles. If your covers are too large to fold, you can also roll them up neatly.

3. Invest in Storage Bags or Boxes

To keep your furniture covers safe from dust and moisture while in storage, consider investing in storage bags or boxes. These will help protect the covers from any potential damage and make it easier to organize your storage space. Be sure to choose bags or boxes that are the appropriate size for your covers.

4. Label Your Covers

To make it easier to find the right cover when you need it, consider labeling them before storing them. This can be as simple as attaching a tag with the name of the furniture piece or using color-coded labels. This will save you time and effort when searching for a specific cover.

5. Store in a Dry, Cool Place

When storing your outdoor furniture covers, it’s important to choose a dry and cool location. This will help prevent any moisture from causing damage to the covers while they are not in use. A basement or garage can be good options for storage, as long as they are not prone to humidity.

6. Avoid Storing in Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause damage to your furniture covers over time. To prevent this, make sure to store them in a location that is not exposed to direct sunlight. This will also help preserve the color and material of the covers.

7. Use Hooks or Hangers for Easy Access

If you have limited storage space, consider hanging your covers on hooks or hangers. This will not only save space but also make it easier to access them when needed. Just make sure the hooks or hangers are sturdy enough to hold the weight of the covers.

8. Stack Covers from Largest to Smallest

If you’re storing multiple furniture covers, stack them from largest to smallest. This will help save space and also prevent the covers from getting wrinkled or damaged. Make sure to place a barrier between each cover, such as a sheet of plastic or cardboard, to keep them separated.

Protect Your Outdoor Furniture From Weather

9 . Use Vacuum Storage Bags

To save even more space while storing your furniture covers, consider using vacuum storage bags. These bags use suction to compress the covers, making them easier to store in small spaces. Just make sure not to overfill the bags or it may damage the covers.

10. Store Covers Inside Out

For added protection against dust and moisture, consider storing your covers inside out. This will also help prevent any fading of color on the outside of the cover. Just remember to turn them right side out before using them again.

11. Check on Your Covers Periodically

While your covers are in storage, it’s a good idea to check on them every so often. This will ensure they are still in good condition and not being damaged by any pests or moisture. If you notice any issues, such as mold or mildew forming, take the necessary steps to address them immediately.

12. Store Covers in the Winter

If you live in an area with harsh winters, it’s a good idea to store your outdoor furniture covers during this time. This will help protect them from snow, ice, and other weather conditions that can cause damage. Just make sure to properly clean and dry the covers before storing them for the season.

It's Important to Neatly Fold or Roll Them

Frequently Asked Questions

What Precautions Should be Taken While Storing Outdoor Furniture Covers?

When it comes to storing outdoor furniture covers, there are a few precautions that you should keep in mind. These will help ensure that your covers last longer and provide the necessary protection for your furniture.

  • Before storing, make sure that the covers are completely dry. Any moisture left can lead to mold or mildew growth, which can damage the covers and furniture.
  • Clean the covers thoroughly before storing them. This will help remove any dirt or debris that can attract pests or cause damage to the covers.
  • If your covers are made of fabric, consider treating them with a waterproofing spray to provide extra protection against water and sun damage.
  • Store the covers in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to excessive heat or UV rays can cause the covers to fade and deteriorate faster.
  • Avoid storing the covers in plastic bags as they can trap moisture and lead to mold growth. Instead, use breathable storage bags or containers.

How Should I Fold My Outdoor Furniture Covers?

Folding your outdoor furniture covers properly is important for saving space and preventing damage. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Lay the cover flat on a clean surface.
  2. Fold each side of the cover towards the center, making sure to keep the sides parallel.
  3. Fold the top and bottom edges in towards the center as well, again keeping them parallel to each other.
  4. Finally, fold the cover in half from top to bottom or side to side, depending on the size of the cover.
  5. Place the folded covers in a storage bag or container, making sure they are not too tightly packed to avoid creases.

How Often Should I Store My Outdoor Furniture Covers?

It is recommended to store outdoor furniture covers when they are not in use for an extended period. This can be during winter months or when you are away on vacation. Storing them during harsh weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or strong winds is also advisable to prevent damage.


By following these tips on how to store outdoor furniture covers, you can ensure that your outdoor furniture covers are stored properly and will be in good condition when you need to use them again. With a little effort, you can prolong the lifespan of your covers and keep your outdoor furniture looking great for years to come. So don’t neglect this simple task and enjoy your beautiful outdoor space all year round.  The key is to keep them dry, clean, and stored in the right location. Happy storing!

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