How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

Rats can be a real nuisance, and nothing is more annoying than finding them digging around your foundation. But did you know that there are several easy steps you can take to deter them from wreaking havoc on your property?

How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

Whether your building is new or old, rat prevention measures can help keep rodents away and protect the integrity of your home’s foundation. Today, we’ll be discussing how to stop rats from digging under your home’s foundation by using some simple yet effective solutions.

So if you’re ready to get rid of these pesky rodents and ensure the safety of your home’s infrastructure, then read on to learn more about how to stop rats from digging under foundation.

Identify the Entry Points

When it comes to identifying entry points that rats could use to access your foundation, it’s important to thoroughly inspect your property. Here are some common areas to check for potential entry points:

Exterior Wall Openings

Inspect the exterior walls of your home, paying close attention to areas where pipes, cables, or utility lines enter the house. Look for gaps or openings around these entry points that rats could exploit.

Vents and Ventilation Openings

Check all exterior vents, including those for HVAC systems, dryers, and exhaust fans. Rats can squeeze through surprisingly small openings, so make sure the vent covers are intact and secure. Consider installing mesh screens over vents to provide an additional barrier.

Crawl Space Entrances

If your home has a crawl space, inspect the entrances for any gaps or openings. Ensure that crawl space doors or access panels are tightly sealed and closed properly. Look for signs of gnawing or scratching around these areas, as rats may have already attempted to gain entry.

Gaps in the Foundation

Carefully examine the foundation of your home for any cracks, gaps, or holes. Rats can burrow through small openings, so even seemingly minor cracks should be addressed. Seal these gaps using appropriate materials like concrete patching, mortar, or caulk.

Utility Lines and Pipe Openings

Inspect areas where utility lines, plumbing pipes, or electrical conduits enter your home. Check for gaps or spaces around these openings and seal them using steel wool, wire mesh, or expanding foam. Ensure a tight fit to prevent rats from squeezing through.

Garage Doors and Windows

Rats can enter your home through garage doors and windows if they are not adequately sealed. Check for gaps or openings around these areas and install weatherstripping or door sweeps to provide a tight seal. Repair or replace damaged garage door seals as necessary.

Roof Openings

Rats are skilled climbers and can access your home through openings on the roof. Check for damaged or missing roof tiles, vents, or gaps around chimneys. Repair or replace any damaged components and consider installing wire mesh or screens to deter rats from entering.

How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

Remember, rats are opportunistic and can find small, easily overlooked openings. Take a methodical approach and thoroughly inspect all potential entry points inside and outside your home. You can effectively prevent rats from digging under your foundation by identifying and addressing these entry points.

The importance of sealing cracks and gaps in the exterior of your home to prevent rats from entering

When it comes to keeping rats out of your home, one important step is sealing any cracks and gaps in the exterior of your home. Rats can squeeze through openings as small as 1/2 inch, so even the tiniest holes can serve as entry points for them. Here’s why it’s crucial to seal up these openings:

  • Prevents access: By sealing cracks and gaps, you can effectively prevent rats from entering your home in the first place. This is especially important for areas near the foundation of your home, as rats may use these openings to burrow underneath.
  • Limits hiding spots: Rats are attracted to cluttered and secluded areas, making it easier for them to hide and breed. By sealing up any cracks and gaps, you are limiting potential hiding spots for rats in and around your home.
  • Reduces risk of contamination: Rats can carry various diseases and parasites that can spread to humans. By sealing up cracks and gaps, you can reduce the risk of rats entering your home and potentially contaminating your living space.

Overall, regularly inspecting and sealing any cracks or gaps in your home’s exterior can go a long way in preventing rats from invading your living space. It is an important aspect of rat-proofing your home and should not be overlooked. So, it is crucial to take these preventative measures to protect yourself and your family from the potential hazards caused by rats. By being proactive and implementing these tips, you can effectively keep rats out of your home for good.

8 Methods on How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

Method 1: Use Rodent Repellents

Rodent repellents are an effective way to keep rats away from your foundation. Several kinds of rodent repellents are available, including sprays, granules, and electronic devices. Generally speaking, these products rely on sound or scent to deter rodents. When using a repellent, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s directions carefully.

Method 2: Use Traps and Baits

Traps baited with food can be used to capture rats that have already made their way into your home. Make sure to place traps in areas where you commonly see rat droppings or signs of activity. Once a rat has been trapped, it should be removed from your home and disposed of properly.

Method 3: Employ Natural Solutions

You may also consider using natural solutions to deter rats. Planting certain plants around your foundation can help keep rodents away. Certain essential oils and herbs have been known to repel rats as well. Additionally, you may want to consider introducing natural predators, like owls or snakes, to your property.

Method 4: Seal Entry Points

One of the most important steps in keeping rats out is to seal any potential entry points they may use to get into your home. This includes inspecting doors, windows, walls, floorboards, and ceilings for cracks or gaps. Make sure to seal all small openings with heavy-duty hardware cloth and caulk.

How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

Method 5: Keep Yards Clean

Rats are attracted to debris, so it’s important to keep your yard free of clutter. Make sure to pick up fallen fruits and vegetables as soon as possible, and clear away piles of leaves and other decaying organic matter. Additionally, trim back shrubs and trees to prevent rats from using them as a way to access your home.

Method 6: Clear Away Brush

Rats are also attracted to areas with thick vegetation or brush piles that provide cover for them to hide in during the day. Make sure to clear away any such structures regularly, especially if you notice rat activity in your yard.

Method 7: Make Use of Exclusion Measures

If rats are still managing to make their way into your home, you may need to install exclusion measures. This includes placing one-way door systems near entry points that allow rats to exit but not enter. Additionally, you may consider installing a rat-proof fence around your property.

Method 8: Call a Professional

If you’ve exhausted all other methods and are still struggling with rats, it may be time to call a professional. Pest control experts can assess the problem in detail and identify areas of concern that you may have missed. They can also provide advice on the best ways to keep rats out of your home.

Ultimately, the best way to stop rats from digging under your foundation is to take a comprehensive approach. You can effectively prevent rats from getting into your home by identifying and sealing potential entry points, using rodent repellents and traps, and employing other prevention measures. If all else fails, contacting a pest control professional is the best way to get rid of rats and keep them away for good.

How to Implement Rat-Proof Fencing

If you’re concerned about rats getting into your home, a rat-proof fence may be the solution. Rat-proof fencing is designed to be highly durable and difficult for rodents to climb over or dig under. The key is making sure it is installed properly. Here are some tips on how to implement rat-proof fencing around your home:

  1. Measure the area you want to contain. Make sure to measure the height as well as the length of your fencing, and purchase an appropriate amount of materials accordingly.
  2. Dig a trench for the fence posts. This should be at least one foot deep and wide enough to accommodate your fence posts.
  3. Place the fence posts into the trench and make sure they are level.
  4. Attach fencing to the posts using galvanized wire or metal brackets. If you’re using wire, it should be at least 10 inches below ground to prevent rats from digging underneath it.
  5. Add a gate if necessary. Make sure it is secured with a padlock and that there are no gaps or openings.
  6. Check the fence regularly for signs of damage or wear and make repairs as necessary.

By following these steps, you can ensure your rat-proof fencing is properly installed and effective in keeping rats out of your home. For more information on how to prevent rats from digging under your fence, you can read our blog post “How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

How to Implement Burrowing Barriers

Sometimes, even a rat-proof fence may not be enough to keep rats out. You may need to install additional barriers, such as metal mesh or hardware cloth, to prevent them from burrowing into your home. Here are some tips on how to make sure these barriers are properly installed:

  1. Dig a trench around the perimeter of your home. This should be at least two feet deep and wide enough to accommodate the burrowing barrier material.
  2. Line the bottom of the trench with gravel or crushed stone. This will prevent rodents from digging through it.
  3. Place a layer of hardware cloth into the trench, ensuring no gaps between each sheet of metal mesh.
  4. Secure the hardware cloth in place with metal screws or spikes.
  5. Cover the top of the trench with soil and pat it down firmly.
How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

By following these steps, you can ensure your burrowing barrier is properly installed and effectively prevents rats from entering your home.

How to Maintain Proper Yard Hygiene to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation

To prevent rats from digging under your foundation, it’s important to maintain proper yard hygiene. Here are some tips that can help you keep your yard free of rat activity:

  1. Pick up any fallen fruits or vegetables as soon as possible and store them securely in sealed containers to prevent access by rodents.
  2. Clear away any piles of leaves and other decaying organic matter.
  3. Trim back shrubs and trees to prevent rats from using them to access your home.
  4. Clear away thick vegetation or brush piles that could provide cover for rats during the day.
  5. Install exclusion measures near entry points, such as one-way door systems or rat-proof fences.
  6. Clean up any pet food and water dishes that rats may be attracted to.

By following these tips and taking a comprehensive approach to keep rats away from your home, you can effectively prevent them from digging under your foundation.

How to Properly Store Food and Garbage to Prevent Attracting Rats Into Your Yard

Keeping your food and garbage properly stored is crucial in preventing rats from being attracted to your yard. Here are some important tips to follow:

  1. Store all food, including pet food, in sealed containers made of metal or heavy-duty plastic. This prevents rats from accessing it.
  2. Keep garbage cans tightly closed and make sure they have no holes or gaps where rats can enter.
  3. Place garbage cans on a raised surface, such as a platform, to prevent rats from climbing in.
  4. Clean up any spills or messes immediately, especially around trash and recycling bins.
  5. Regularly clean and disinfect your garbage cans to remove food residue and odors that can attract rats.

By properly storing your food and garbage, you can significantly reduce the chances of attracting rats into your yard and prevent them from digging under your foundation.

What Do You Do if Other Types of Rodents Are Digging Under the Foundation?

Dealing with burrowing rodents under your foundation can be a frustrating and costly issue. While rats are often the first culprit that comes to mind, other rodents like moles, voles, and gophers can also cause significant damage by digging tunnels and undermining your foundation’s stability.

If you suspect that non-rat rodents are burrowing under your foundation, here are some steps you can take to address the problem:

  1. Identify the rodent species: Different rodent species have distinct characteristics and behaviors, so it’s crucial to identify the specific rodent you’re dealing with to determine the most effective control methods. Observe signs like burrow size, entrance shape, and surface activity to narrow down the possibilities.
  2. Inspect for damage: Carefully examine your foundation for signs of entry points, such as holes, burrows, or cracks. Check for structural damage, uneven settling, or displaced soil around the foundation.
  3. Seal entry points: Once you’ve located the entry points, seal them using appropriate materials like galvanized metal sheeting, concrete, or hardware cloth. Ensure that the seals extend at least 12 inches below the ground and cover the entire perimeter of the foundation.
  4. Eliminate food sources: Rodents are attracted to food sources, so eliminate potential attractants around your home. Store food in airtight containers, secure garbage cans tightly and remove pet food and bird seed when not in use.
  5. Habitat modification: Make your yard less appealing to rodents by reducing clutter, trimming overgrown vegetation, and keeping grass mowed short. Remove potential nesting sites like woodpiles and rock piles.
  6. Trapping: Trapping can be an effective method for reducing rodent populations. Use live traps to capture and relocate the rodents away from your property. Bait the traps with food that is attractive to the specific rodent species.
  7. Repellents: Commercial rodent repellents can be used to deter rodents from approaching your foundation. Apply repellents around the perimeter of your home, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you want to know more about this topic, read our detailed blog post “How to Stop Rodents from Digging Under Foundation.” If the rodent infestation is severe or you’re uncomfortable handling it yourself, consider seeking professional pest control services. Experienced pest controllers have the expertise and resources to effectively eliminate rodents and prevent future infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Rat Traps Effective in Preventing Them from Entering?

A: Rat traps can help you identify problem areas and monitor for rat activity, but they are not a good long-term solution. Rats quickly learn to avoid traps, making them ineffective in the long run. It’s best to use other methods to prevent rats from entering your home in the first place.

Does Mothballs Keep Rats Away?

A: While mothballs may have a pungent smell that rats and other rodents are repelled by, research has shown that they are not effective in keeping them away. Additionally, the fumes of mothballs can be toxic to people and pets, so it’s best to avoid using them as a pest control measure.

What Are the Best Rodent Repellents to Use Around the House?

A: There are a variety of effective rodent repellents that can be used around the house. Natural repellents, such as cayenne pepper and garlic powder, are often effective deterrents. You can also purchase chemical repellents from most hardware stores or online retailers. Be sure to read the label and follow directions carefully when using any repellent.

How Often Should I Inspect for Potential Entry Points and Seal Them Up?

A: It’s important to inspect your home regularly for potential entry points and seal them up as soon as possible. We recommend inspecting your foundation, walls, roof, windows, and doors at least once a year or more often if you live in an area with high rodent activity.


Preventing rats from digging under your foundation requires a combination of proactive measures and diligent maintenance. By identifying and sealing entry points, maintaining a clean yard, securing vents and crawl spaces, implementing rat-proof fencing, using burrowing barriers, employing natural deterrents, and seeking professional assistance, you can effectively protect your home from these pesky rodents. Early prevention is key to avoiding costly repairs and ensuring a safe and rat-free living environment. Thanks for reading this article about how to stop rats from digging under foundation.

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