How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

Welcome to our informative guide on “How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence.” Rats can be a recurring nuisance, especially when they start burrowing under your fence and invading your property. Their digging not only compromises the structural integrity of your fence but also poses potential health risks.

How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

In this blog post, we’re going to explore effective, humane solutions to stop these critters from digging under your fence. Covering preventative measures, deterrent tactics, and useful tips, this post will equip you with everything you need to safeguard your property against these unwanted guests. Say goodbye to the digging and hello to a rat-free environment.

Why Rats Dig Under Fences: Understand the Causes

Poor Fence Maintenance

How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

One of the main reasons rats dig under fences is due to poor maintenance. If your fence has holes, gaps, or cracks, they can easily squeeze through them and start digging their way underneath. Regularly inspect your fence for any signs of damage and fix them promptly.

Food Sources

Rats are opportunistic foragers, and if there’s a readily available food source on the other side of the fence, they’ll dig their way to it. Make sure your property is free from any potential food sources, such as uncovered garbage cans or fallen fruit.


Fences can provide shelter for rats seeking a safe and hidden place to live. If you have overgrown vegetation or clutter near your fence, it creates an ideal habitat for rats to thrive.

How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence: 9 Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Assessing Your Fence and Yard

The first step in stopping rats from digging under your fence is to assess the current state of your fence and yard. Look for any potential entry points, such as holes or gaps, and note them down.

Step 2: Repair Any Damage

How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

If you identified any damage during the assessment, it’s crucial to repair it immediately. Use sturdy materials like steel mesh or concrete to fill in any holes or gaps. Make sure also to trim back any overgrown vegetation and remove clutter near the fence.

Step 3: Install Digging Barriers

A simple yet effective way to stop rats from digging under your fence is by installing physical barriers. These can include rat-proof mesh or wire buried at least a foot below the ground along the perimeter of your fence.

Step 4: Block Access Points

Rats can squeeze through even the smallest gaps, so it’s essential to block off any potential entry points. Cover vents and openings with sturdy mesh, seal cracks in foundations, and use concrete to fill in any gaps between your fence and the ground.

Step 5: Use Natural Deterrents

to trim back any overgrown vegetation and remove clutter near the fence.

To deter rats from digging under your fence, you can also use natural substances that they find unpleasant. These include peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, or ammonia-soaked rags placed strategically along your fence’s perimeter. However, be aware that these may need to be reapplied regularly.

Step 6: Employ a Scarecrow

A scarecrow can serve as a visual deterrent for rats, especially if you have a vegetable or fruit garden near your fence. The movement and noise from the scarecrow can make rats think twice before attempting to dig under your fence.

Step 7: Invest in Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are unpleasant for rats but do not harm them. These can be placed along your fence’s perimeter to create a barrier and deter rats from digging.

Step 8: Use Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Motion-activated sprinklers work on the same principle as scarecrows, but instead of scaring rats with visual stimuli, they use water to surprise them. These devices can be effective in deterring rats from your fence and property.

Step 9: Seek Professional Help

If all else fails, it may be time to seek professional help. Pest control experts have the knowledge and experience to handle rat infestations effectively. They can assess your fence and property, identify potential entry points, and provide long-term solutions to stop rats from digging under your fence.

By following these nine steps, you can effectively prevent rats from digging under your fence and protect your property. Remember to maintain your fence and yard regularly to minimize the risk of rat infestations.

Natural Deterrents: DIY Repellent Recipes to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

Peppermint Oil Spray


  • 1 cup water
  • Ten drops of peppermint essential oil


  1. Mix the water and peppermint oil in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake well before use.
  3. Spray along your fence’s perimeter to deter rats from digging.

Cayenne Pepper Barrier


  • Cayenne pepper powder
  • Water


  1. Mix equal parts of cayenne pepper powder and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake well before use.
  3. Spray along your fence’s perimeter, focusing on any potential entry points or areas where rats have been seen digging.

Ammonia Soaked Rags


  • Old rags or clothes
  • Ammonia


  1. Soak the rags or cloths in ammonia.
  2. Place them strategically along your fence’s perimeter, focusing on areas where rats have been seen digging.
  3. Reapply the ammonia as needed to maintain its scent and effectiveness.

By using these natural deterrents in conjunction with the nine steps outlined above, you can create a safe and rat-free environment around your property.

Troubleshooting Common Challenges When Stopping Rats Digging Under Fence

Monitoring and Maintenance

Even if you’ve successfully stopped rats from digging under your fence, it’s essential to continue monitoring and maintaining your property. Regularly inspect your fence for any signs of damage or potential entry points and address them promptly.


Rats are persistent creatures, and they may try different methods to dig under your fence. Be vigilant and stay proactive in implementing deterrents and preventive measures to keep them at bay.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re facing a persistent rat problem, it’s best to seek professional help. Pest control experts have the knowledge and resources to handle even the most challenging infestations effectively. They can also provide long-term solutions to prevent rats from coming back.

By staying vigilant, using natural deterrents, and seeking professional help when needed, you can effectively stop rats from digging under your fence and protect your property.

Environmental Considerations

When implementing any pest control methods, it’s essential to consider the potential impact on the environment. Some DIY deterrents, such as peppermint oil and cayenne pepper, may be harmless to humans but can be toxic to other animals and plants.

If you have pets or a garden near your fence, make sure to use natural deterrents that are safe for them. You can also consult with a pest control expert to find eco-friendly solutions for rat control.

Remember, protecting your property from rats should not harm the environment. Always choose methods that are safe and environmentally friendly.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Keep Your Yard Clean

How to Stop Rats Digging Under Fence

Rats are attracted to clutter and debris, so keeping your yard clean can help prevent infestations. Regularly remove any fallen fruits or vegetables, keep trash cans closed and secured, and trim back any overgrown vegetation.

Check for Any Unnecessary Openings

Walk around your property and check for any openings that rats may use to enter your yard. These include gaps in your fence, spaces under doors or windows, and cracks in the foundation of your home. Seal them up to prevent rats from entering.

Maintain Your Fence

Regularly check and maintain your fence for any damage or potential entry points. Make sure there are no loose boards or gaps that rats can squeeze through. If using a wire mesh fence, make sure it is buried at least 6 inches underground to prevent rats from digging under.

By following these regular maintenance tips, you can minimize the risk of rats infesting your property and reduce the chances of them digging under your fence.

Proper Waste Management: An Effective Tool Against Rat Infestations

One of the key strategies in preventing rat infestations is proper waste management. Rats are attracted to waste, particularly food waste, as it provides an easy source of sustenance for them.

By managing waste effectively, you can significantly reduce the attractiveness of your property to rats. Implement a robust waste management system by ensuring trash cans are securely closed at all times, waste is disposed of regularly and promptly, and compost bins are well-maintained to avoid attracting rats.

Additionally, consider using rodent-proof containers for waste storage. By eliminating a primary food source through effective waste management, you can discourage rats from invading your property and digging under your fence. Remember, a clean environment is key to a rat-free property.

What to Do if A Rat Digs Under Foundation?

Rats can cause serious damage to your home if they dig under your foundation. They can weaken the foundation, create cracks and holes, and even allow water to seep into your basement. If you think you have rats digging under your foundation, it’s important to take action right away.

  • Inspect your foundation for signs of rat activity. This includes looking for holes, burrows, and droppings. You should also check around your foundation for any other signs of damage, such as cracks or crumbling concrete.
  • Seal up any holes or burrows that you find. You can use concrete, metal sheeting, or hardware cloth to seal up the holes. Make sure to seal the holes both inside and outside of your foundation.
  • Set traps to catch the rats. There are many different types of rat traps available, so choose one that is best suited for your situation. You can also use bait to attract the rats to the traps.

These are just some simple steps for stopping rats from digging under the foundation. To know more, check out our detailed blog post about “How to Stop Rats from Digging Under Foundation.”


To successfully thwart rat infestations and prevent them from digging under your fence, a multifaceted approach is indispensable. This includes meticulous property maintenance, using homemade natural deterrents such as peppermint oil and cayenne pepper, and remaining vigilant through regular monitoring. When dealing with a persistent problem, seeking professional help is advised.

Additionally, proper waste management plays a pivotal role in deterring rats. By eliminating their primary food source, you can make your property less attractive to these pests. As a part of an eco-friendly approach, it’s crucial to choose methods that are not harmful to the environment.

In conclusion, a combination of preventive maintenance, natural deterrents, and professional assistance, when necessary, can effectively thwart rat infestations. Always remember a clean environment is key to a rat-free property. It’s not just about eradicating the problem but also adopting proactive habits to prevent future infestations. Thanks for reading this article about how to stop rats digging under fence.

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