How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

If you’re looking to power your outdoor lights or appliances, running an extension cord along a brick wall may seem like the most practical solution. However, exposed extension cords can not only be unsightly but also pose a safety hazard.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

In this article, we’ll discuss the best ways to run an extension cord along a brick wall while keeping both aesthetics and safety in mind. Whether you’re looking to light up your outdoor space or power tools in your garage, we’ll cover the various methods and safety precautions to help you choose the best option for your specific situation.

So, if you’re wondering how to run extension cord along brick wall, keep reading!

Assessing the Situation for Running the Extension Cord Along the Brick Wall

Determine the Length of the Extension Cord Needed

Before you start running an extension cord along a brick wall, it’s crucial to assess your needs and determine how much length of cord you’ll require.

Carefully measure the distance from your power source to the desired endpoint along the brick wall. Remember to add some extra length for any bends or turns in your chosen route. 

It’s always better to have a slightly longer cord than to come up short and have to re-route it. This step will also help you decide which type of extension cord is suitable for your needs.

Consider the Power Source

The power source for your outdoor lights or appliances can play a significant role in determining how you’ll run an extension cord along a brick wall.

If you have an outdoor outlet, you can simply plug in the extension cord and run it along the wall. However, if your power source is indoors, you’ll need to find a way to bring the cord outside safely.

This may involve drilling a small hole through the wall or using a window kit specifically designed for running cords. Make sure to follow all safety precautions and consider consulting a professional if you’re unsure about how to bring the cord outside safely.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Extension Cord

When it comes to choosing an extension cord for outdoor use, there are a few factors you’ll need to consider.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

Firstly, make sure the cord is rated for outdoor use and has sufficient length to reach your desired endpoint along the brick wall. Additionally, check the cord’s amperage rating, which will determine how much power it can safely handle.

If you’re planning to run multiple appliances or lights, consider getting a cord with a higher amperage rating. Lastly, make sure the cord has three prongs for added safety.

Hooks, Clips, or Fasteners

To secure the extension cord along the brick wall, you’ll need some hooks, clips, or fasteners.

These will help keep the cord in place and prevent it from hanging loosely or getting accidentally pulled. Make sure to choose hooks or fasteners that are suitable for outdoor use and can be easily attached to a brick wall.

Power Strip or Surge Protector

If you plan on running multiple appliances or lights, consider using a power strip or surge protector to distribute the power safely.

Make sure the power strip or surge protector is rated for outdoor use and has enough outlets to accommodate all your devices.

Safety Precaution for Running Extension Cord Alog Brick Wall

Protect the Cord from Moisture

One of the biggest safety hazards when running an extension cord along a brick wall is exposure to moisture.

To keep your cord safe, make sure it’s rated for outdoor use and has a built-in ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). Additionally, consider using a waterproof cover or wrapping the connections with electrical tape for added protection.

Avoid Overloading the Cord

Another crucial safety precaution is to avoid overloading the extension cord.

Make sure to check the amperage rating of both your cord and appliances or lights before plugging them in. If you’re unsure, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and use a higher-rated cord.

Keep an Eye Out for Damage

Regularly inspect your extension cord for any signs of damage such as frayed wires or exposed connections.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

If you notice any issues, stop using the cord immediately and replace it with a new one. Additionally, avoid running the cord over sharp edges or through areas with high foot traffic to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall: Safe Options

Using Cable Clips or Hooks

One of the safest ways to run an extension cord along a brick wall is by using cable clips or hooks designed for this purpose. The instructions on running the extension cord along the brick wall are given below:

  • Clean the Brick Wall: Before installing any clips or hooks, make sure to clean the brick wall thoroughly. This will ensure proper adhesion of the clips and prevent them from falling off.
  • Mark Your Route: Determine the route you want your extension cord to follow. Use a pencil to mark where you’ll be placing the clips or hooks along this route.
  • Install Cable Clips or Hooks: Following the manufacturer’s instructions, install the clips or hooks along the marked route. Make sure to leave enough slack in the cord between each clip or hook to prevent any strain on the cord.
  • Run Extension Cord: Once all clips or hooks are installed, carefully run your extension cord through them, making sure it is secured at each point. You can also use electrical tape to secure the cord in place further.

Using Outdoor Rated Ducts

Another safe option for running extension cords along a brick wall is using outdoor-rated ducts or conduit pipes. These are designed to protect the cord from exposure to weather and sunlight while providing a neat and clean look.

  • Determine the Route: Just like with cable clips or hooks, determine the route you want your extension cord to follow and mark it with a pencil.
  • Install Ducts or Conduit Pipes: Following the manufacturer’s instructions, install the ducts or conduit pipes along the marked route. Make sure to leave enough slack in the cord for any bends or turns.
  • Run Extension Cord: Once installed, carefully run your extension cord through the ducts or pipes. You can also use electrical tape to secure the cord in place at each end.

Using  a GFCI Extension Cord

If you’re concerned about safety when running an extension cord along a brick wall, consider using a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) extension cord. This type of cord is designed to automatically shut off power if it detects any faults or surges in electricity.

  • Plug in the GFCI Extension Cord: Simply plug in the GFCI extension cord to your indoor power source.
  • Run Extension Cord: Run the cord along your chosen route, making sure it is secured at each end. You can also use cable clips or hooks for added security.
  • Plug in Your Outdoor Lights or Appliances: Once the cord is set up, you can plug in your outdoor lights or appliances and enjoy a safe and well-lit outdoor space.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall: Concealed Mounting

Running Underneath Baseboards

If you’re looking for a completely concealed option for running an extension cord along a brick wall, consider routing it underneath baseboards. This method is best suited for indoor use and may require some DIY skills.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall
  • Determine the Route: Decide where you want to run the cord and mark the route.
  • Remove Baseboards: Carefully remove any baseboards along the marked route. You may need to use a pry bar or a putty knife to do this.
  • Route Extension Cord: Run the extension cord underneath the baseboards, making sure it is secured in place with electrical tape or clips.
  • Replace Baseboards: Once the cord is routed, carefully replace the baseboards and secure them back in place.

Hiding Cords in Cable Raceways

Another option for concealed mounting is using cable raceways. These are plastic channels that can be easily mounted to walls and provide a hidden route for cords. This method is best suited for indoor use.

  • Determine the Route: Plan out where you want to run the cord and mark it with a pencil.
  • Mount Cable Raceways: Using screws or adhesive, mount the raceways along the marked route. Make sure they are securely attached to the wall.
  • Route Extension Cord: Run the cord through the raceways, making sure it is secured in place at each end.
  • Cover Raceways: Most cable raceways come with covers that can be snapped on to hide and protect the cord.

No matter which method you choose for running an extension cord along a brick wall, always make sure to prioritize safety. Regularly check the condition of your extension cords and replace them if needed.

Choosing the Right Method

Temporary vs. Permanent Use

When deciding on a method for running an extension cord along a brick wall, consider how long you’ll need it to be in place. If you’re only looking for a temporary solution, using cable clips or hooks may be the best option. However, if you want something more permanent, investing in outdoor-rated ducts or conduit pipes may be a better choice.

Aesthetic Appeal

The aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space is important, so you’ll want to choose a method that not only prioritizes safety but also looks visually appealing. Cable clips or hooks may be less noticeable than ducts or conduit pipes, but it ultimately depends on your personal preference.

Safety Considerations

When it comes to running extension cords along a brick wall, safety should always be a top priority. Make sure to use outdoor-rated extension cords and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing and securing them. Always check for any wear or damage on the cord and replace it if necessary. Consider using GFCI extension cords for added safety.

In conclusion, there are various methods on how to run extension cord along brick wall, each with its own benefits and considerations. By following the proper steps and prioritizing safety, you can find a method that works best for your specific needs and keeps your outdoor space well-lit and functional. 

When to Call a Professional Assist

If you’re unsure about the safety of your electrical setup or lack the necessary skills, it’s always best to call a professional electrician for assistance. They can help ensure that everything is properly installed and secure, giving you peace of mind and avoiding any potential hazards.

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

Additionally, if you’re planning on running multiple extension cords along a brick wall or have intricate electrical needs, it’s best to consult a professional for proper guidance and installation.

Remember that your and others’ safety is always the top priority when dealing with electrical setups. When in doubt, seek professional assistance to ensure everything is done safely and correctly.  So don’t hesitate to call for help if needed! 

Troubleshooting Tips While Running Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

Ensuring Proper Grounding

Ensure that your extension cord is properly grounded to avoid any potential electrical hazards. The plug should have three prongs, with one being the grounding prong.

Avoid Overloading the Extension Cord

Be cautious about how many lights or appliances you are plugging into the extension cord. Overloading it can cause overheating and potentially start a fire. Check the maximum wattage and amp ratings of your extension cord to ensure it can handle the load.

Keep Extension Cords Away from Water

Water and electricity do not mix, so make sure to keep your extension cords away from any sources of water. This includes rain, sprinklers, or even puddles on the ground.

Check for Frayed or Damaged Cords

Regularly check the condition of your extension cord and replace it if you notice any fraying, damage, or wear. This can help prevent potential hazards.

Use Properly Rated Cords for Outdoor Use

If you’re running an extension cord along a brick wall outdoors, make sure to use an outdoor-rated extension cord. These cords are designed to withstand exposure to the elements and can help prevent any potential accidents.

By keeping these troubleshooting tips in mind, you can ensure that your extension cord setup is safe and functional.

Maintenance Tips for Extension Cord that Runs Along Brick Wall

Regularly Check the Cord

Regularly inspect your extension cord for any signs of wear or damage. This can include fraying, cuts, or exposed wires. If you notice any issues, replace the cord immediately.

Keep Cords Tightly Secured

Make sure to regularly check that your cords are securely attached to the wall and not in danger of being pulled out or tripped over. This can help prevent accidents and keep your setup in good condition.

Store Cords Properly

How to Run Extension Cord Along Brick Wall

When not in use, make sure to store your extension cords properly. Avoid wrapping them tightly or placing heavy objects on top of them, as this can cause damage.

Keep Cords Out of Direct Sunlight

Exposure to direct sunlight can weaken the insulation of your extension cord, making it more prone to damage. Whenever possible, try to keep your cords in a shaded area.

Don’t Overlap Cords

Overlapping cords can cause overheating and increase the risk of fires. Make sure to avoid this by properly routing and securing each individual cord.

By regularly maintaining your extension cord set up along a brick wall, you can ensure its safety and longevity. Make sure to follow these tips to keep your outdoor space well-lit and your electrical setup in top condition.


In conclusion, proper cord management is crucial when running an extension cord along a brick wall. Not only does it ensure your own safety and that of others, but it also helps maintain the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. With various methods available such as using hooks, cable raceways, or conduit pipes, it is important to choose the safest and most suitable option for your specific needs. 

Always prioritize safety by using outdoor-rated extension cords, checking for wear or damage, and following proper installation instructions. If you are unsure about the process or lack the necessary skills, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance to ensure everything is done correctly. Properly managing your extension cord setup allows you to enjoy a well-lit and functional outdoor space without any safety hazards. Thanks for reading this article about how to run extension cord along brick wall.

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