How to Open a Locked Drawer Without Key

Losing the key to a drawer can be frustrating, especially when you have some essential stuff inside it. Fortunately, there are some ways to open a locked drawer without a key. You may have seen in the movies how the protagonists with just a paperclip get access to a locked drawer. In this post, we will discuss some of these techniques on how to open a locked drawer without key. So keep reading to learn more!

How to Open a Locked Drawer Without Key

Can You Open a Locked Drawer without A Key?

Have you ever accidentally locked a drawer with important items inside and can’t find the key? It can be frustrating and overwhelming, but fear not, there are ways to open a locked drawer without a key. From using a paperclip to pick the lock, many DIY methods exist before calling a locksmith. 

While some methods may require a bit of skill and patience, it is always worth a shot before resorting to more expensive solutions. So, next time you find yourself in this predicament, remember that a locked drawer doesn’t have to stay that way forever.

Why Should You Open a Locked Drawer without A Key?

Let’s be honest – we’ve all been there. You need to retrieve something from a locked drawer but can’t find the key. It’s inconvenient, frustrating, and can feel like a major setback in your day. Before you start stressing out too much, you might want to consider opening the drawer without a key. 

It will save you time and energy searching for a misplaced key and give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in your problem-solving skills. Plus, you never know when you might need to do it again in the future. So, why not give it a try and see if you have what it takes to open a locked drawer without a key?

How to Open a Locked Drawer without Key – in 7 Easy Ways

1. Use a Paperclip

A paperclip is one of the most commonly used items to unlock a locked drawer. Straighten the paperclip and bend its end at 90 degrees to create a small hook. Insert the hook in the keyhole and try to move it around until you feel the resistance, and then apply some pressure and keep moving the hook up and down until the drawer unlocks.

2. Use a Bobby Pin

Bobby pins, just like paperclips, can be used to open a locked drawer. You must unfold the bobby pin by vertically slipping the pointed end into the lock. Bend the pin at 90 degrees in one direction, then another 90 degrees in the opposite direction, to form two hooks. Then slowly turn the pins from clockwise to counterclockwise and back again until the lock releases.

3. Use a Credit Card

You can also use a credit card to open a locked drawer without a key. However, this method only works if the lock is vertical, not horizontal. Insert the credit card between the drawer and its frame, locate the latch, and slide the door or drawer up or down to release it. This technique only works if the lock inside the drawer is not activated.

Use a Credit Card to Open a Locked Drawer

4. Use a Tension Wrench

A tension wrench is a tool used to apply pressure to a lock while the pick is manipulating the pins. Insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole and turn it in the same direction you would turn the key. Keep applying pressure on the wrench and take a paperclip or a bobby pin to act as a pick. Gently insert the pick into the keyhole and move it around until the lock opens.

5. Use a Hammer and Nail

This technique involves hammering a nail into the lock until it releases. First, you need to locate the keyhole in the locked drawer. Once you have identified it, insert a thin nail into the hole. Then use a hammer to tap on the nail until it catches onto something inside the drawer’s lock and releases it.

6. Use a Lock Picking Set

A lock-picking set is a specialized toolbox containing many different tools for opening locks without keys. The most common tools include tension wrenches, picks, and rakes. With this method, you should be careful and make sure to have the right tools for the job, as it is likely to damage the lock.

7. Call a Locksmith

If all else fails, your best option may be to call a locksmith. This way, you can avoid damaging the lock or drawer and have a professional open it for you in no time. A locksmith will also be able to provide you with additional advice and tips on how to avoid future lockouts.

Using one of these seven techniques, you should be able to open a locked drawer without having access to the key. However, please bear in mind that depending on the type of lock used, some methods may not work. In any case, if all else fails, you can always contact a locksmith.

5 Considerations Things When You Need to Open a Locked Drawer Without Key

1. The Type of Lock

One of the most important considerations when you need to open a locked drawer without a key, is the type of lock that is being used. There are a variety of different types of locks, and each one will require a different approach to be opened without a key. For example, a pin tumbler lock can typically be opened with a screwdriver, while a wafer tumbler lock may require the use of a drill.

Pin Tumbler Lock Can Typically Be Opened With a Screwdriver

2. The Material of the Drawer

Another consideration is the material of the drawer. This is important because some materials are easier to damage than others. For example, if the drawer is made out of wood, then it may be possible to use a saw to open it. However, if the drawer is made out of metal, then this may not be an option, as it could damage the drawer beyond repair.

3. The Size of the Lock

The lock size is also important when you need to open a locked drawer without a key. If the lock is small, then it may be possible to pick it up with a paperclip or other small object. However, if the lock is large, then this may not be an option, and another method will need to be used.

4. The Location of the Lock

Another consideration is the location of the lock. This is important because some locations are easier to access than others. For example, if the lock is located on the side of the drawer, then it may be possible to reach it with a screwdriver or other tool. However, if the lock is located on the back of the drawer, then this may not be an option, and another method will need to be used.

5. The Tools That You Have Available

The final consideration is the tools that you have available. This is important because some tools are better suited for opening locks than others. For example, if you have a drill, this may help you open a locked drawer without a key. However, if you do not have any power tools available, then another method will need to be used.

Benefits of Open a Locked Drawer Without Key

Opening up a locked drawer without a key may seem like a skill that only the most mischievous of individuals would possess. However, it can actually prove to be quite beneficial in certain situations. For starters, it can save you from a panic-induced search for the key or, worse yet, having to call a locksmith for assistance. 

In addition, being able to open a locked drawer can give you a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. Imagine the satisfaction of finally being able to access a file or object of interest that was inaccessible before. So, whether you are a curious individual or simply find yourself in a bind, there are benefits to opening a locked drawer without a key.

Being Able to Open a Locked Drawer

Some Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Open a Locked Drawer Without Key

Trying to open a locked drawer without a key can be a frustrating experience. Unfortunately, some common mistakes people make only add to the frustration. One mistake is using too much force. While it may seem like using extra force will help open the drawer, it can actually cause damage to the lock or even break the drawer itself. 

Another mistake is using the wrong tool. A butter knife may seem like a good substitute for a key, but it can easily get stuck, making it even harder to open the drawer. Additionally, picking at the lock with anything other than a designated lock-picking tool can also cause damage and potentially make it even harder to open the drawer in the future. It’s important to approach the situation calmly and try alternative methods before resorting to drastic measures.

How Do You Unlock an Old Wooden Drawer with No Key?

Sometimes, you find yourself staring at an old wooden drawer that refuses to open simply because the key is missing. While this situation can be frustrating, it’s essential not to panic. You can try a few tricks to unlock an old wooden drawer without a key. For starters, you could try using a bobby pin or a paper clip to maneuver the lock mechanism to release the drawer. 

Alternatively, inserting a long, thin screwdriver into the gap between the drawers and gently wiggling it could work. If all else fails, it might be worth considering reaching out to a professional locksmith who can help you easily unlock your old wooden drawer. Overall, with a bit of patience and creativity, unlocking an old wooden drawer with no key isn’t as daunting as it may initially seem.

Best Practices for Avoiding Lockouts in the Future

To avoid the inconvenience of lockouts in the future, here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Keep Spare Keys: One of the simplest ways to avoid lockouts is by having spare keys. Make sure to keep them in a safe place where you can easily access them in case of an emergency.
  2. Invest in Digital Locks: With advancements in technology, digital locks are becoming increasingly popular. They require a PIN or a password to open, eliminating the need for a physical key.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance of your locks can prevent them from becoming stuck or broken. This includes cleaning and lubricating the locks regularly.
  4. Use a Key Finder: A key finder can be a lifesaver when you misplace your keys. They come in various forms, such as tags that can be attached to your keychain and tracked via a smartphone app.
  5. Professional Key Duplication: If you frequently find yourself losing keys, consider getting your keys professionally duplicated. That way, you always have an extra set on hand.
Key Finder Can Be a Lifesaver

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. By following these practices, you can save yourself time, stress, and potentially money in the long run.


You can try many techniques to open a locked drawer without a key. Some methods, such as using a paperclip, a bobby pin, or a credit card, are simple and can be done with ease. However, if you feel unsure of any techniques, it’s safer to contact a professional locksmith who has the knowledge and tools to open the lock safely. 

Always remember to take care when trying to open a locked drawer – patience, a steady hand, and some basic lock-picking techniques can be all you need to gain access to your locked drawer. Thanks for reading our post about how to open a locked drawer without key.

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