How to Keep Flies Out of Duck Pen

Are you a duck owner who is tired of the pesky flies constantly bothering your ducks? Flies can be more than just an annoying nuisance–they can also transmit disease to poultry. Luckily, there are ways to reduce fly populations and keep them away from your precious ducks.

In this blog post, we’ll cover different strategies on how to keep the flies out of your duck pen and create a safe environment for your feathery flock.

How to Keep Flies Out of Duck Pen

Whether you’re looking for do-it-yourself solutions or professional help, there’s an option that will work best for you. Keep reading to learn more on how to keep flies out of duck pen for getting to know effective methods in order to protect your ducks from these irritating pests!

Common Signs That Ducks Have Been Exposed to Flies

Sign 1: Excessive Scratching or Preening

Ducks scratching or preening more than usual is one of the most common signs that your ducks may have been exposed to flies. This can be caused by pests biting their skin and feathers, causing irritation, which leads to excessive scratching and preening.

Sign 2: Dull Feathers

Another common sign that your ducks may have been exposed to flies is the duller-than-usual appearance of their feathers. This can be caused by pests such as lice and mites feeding on the blood of your ducks, resulting in a lack of shine and luster on their feathers.

Sign 3: Unusual Behavior or Restlessness

Ducks may also become restless or exhibit unusual behaviors if they are disturbed by fly activity. This could include pacing, flapping their wings, or even vocalizing more than usual.

Sign 4: Presence of Maggots or Other Insects

Another sign that your ducks may have been exposed to flies is the presence of maggots or other insects in their environment. If you notice an increase in the number of flies in your duck pen, it could be a sign that the insects are breeding in the area.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action to keep your ducks safe from pests. The most effective way to protect your ducks from fly infestations is to keep their environment clean and free of potential food sources for the flies.

Step-by-Step Processes for How to Keep Flies Out of Duck Pen

Step 1: Inspect Your Duck Pen

Before you start taking steps to keep flies away from your duck pen, it’s important to identify and remove any existing fly breeding sources. Check for standing water, rotting feed or manure, or anything else that could be attracting flies. If any areas of the pen are consistently damp, ensure they are kept dry.

Step 2: Utilize Natural Predators

Encourage natural predators of flies, such as birds, frogs, lizards, and spiders, to set up shop around your duck pen. This will create an environment where the predators can thrive and help reduce the fly population in your area. A great way to reduce the number of flies in your duck pen is to use fly traps. Place them around the perimeter of your pen and regularly check for captured flies so that you can dispose of them properly.

Step 3: Set Up a Barrier Around Your Pen

One effective way to keep flies away from your duck pen is to create a physical barrier between them and the ducks. Install screening or mesh around the edge of the pen that will keep out any unwanted insects. Make sure to clean up after your ducks regularly, as this will help prevent flies from finding an area to breed in your pen. Clean up spilled feed and any wet spots that could be breeding grounds for flies.

Step 4: Use a Fly Repellent

You Can Use Several Natural Fly Repellents

You can use several natural fly repellents to keep flies away from your duck pen. These include essential oils, garlic extract, and even lemon juice. Plant herbs and other plants around your duck pen that are known to repel flies, such as lavender, rosemary, basil, and catnip. These can help create a barrier that the flies won’t be able to cross.

Step 5: Use Fly Paper

Flypaper is a great way to trap flies without using insecticides or other chemicals. Hang it around the perimeter of your duck pen and regularly check for captured flies so that you can dispose of them properly. Installing fans in your duck pen will help create a breeze that will keep flies away. Ensure the fans are powerful enough to move the air around but not so strong as to be dangerous for your ducks.

Step 6: Avoid Attractants

Remove any sources of food or water that could attract flies to your duck pen. This includes pet food, garbage, and even standing water. All of these things will act as magnets for flies and should be kept away from your ducks.

Following these steps can help keep your duck pen fly-free and ensure that your ducks are safe from pesky insects. With diligence and simple strategies, you can create an environment where you and your ducks can enjoy a peaceful day.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Preventing Flies in a Duck Pen

Mistake 1: Not Keeping the Pen Clean

It is essential to keep the duck pen clean and free of debris, food, or water where flies can lay eggs or find food. Muck out the pen regularly, replace standing water often, and remove spilled feed quickly. This will help reduce fly infestations significantly.

Mistake 2: Not Installing a Fly Repellent

Using natural fly repellents such as essential oils or herbs can help keep flies away from your ducks. Lavender, peppermint, and citronella are all effective at helping to repel flies naturally. Additionally, installing a fine mesh netting around the duck pen is also a great way to keep flies out while still allowing air and light in.

Mistake 3: Not Keeping the Grass Mowed

Mowing the grass around your duck pen regularly will help decrease areas where flies can congregate and lay their eggs. This is especially important if there are wet patches or decaying organic material that may attract flies.

Mistake 4: Not Cleaning Out the Pen Regularly

Cleaning out the duck pen regularly is essential for preventing fly infestations. Remove all droppings, bedding, and food debris on a regular basis to keep flies out of the pen. If you cannot clean the pen daily, try to do it at least once a week.

Mistake 5: Overfeeding Ducks

Overfeeding your ducks can also attract flies, so be sure only to give them the amount of food they need. Change feed regularly and always make sure that all spilled or uneaten food is removed promptly.

Mistake 6: Not Checking for Mosquito Larvae

If the duck pen has open water, it is essential to check regularly for mosquito larvae and other insects that may attract flies. Cleaning out any stagnant water will help keep the mosquito population down, thus helping to reduce fly infestations.

Mistake 7: Not Using Traps

Using effective traps such as sticky fly strips and electric fly zappers can help catch and kill adult flies before they lay eggs. Setting these up in strategic locations around the duck pen will help keep your ducks safe from pests.

It is also beneficial to use an insecticide spray or powder around the edges of the pen and areas with large numbers of flies. This will help reduce fly infestations in your duck pen significantly.

Overall, vigilance is essential when preventing flies in a duck pen. By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure that your ducks remain healthy and safe from fly-borne diseases.

Safety Tips for How to Keep Flies Out of Duck Pen

  1. Install screens on windows and doors to keep flies from entering the duck pen.
  2. Make use of fans or air conditioning units to help circulate the air regularly in the duck pen, as this will ensure that flies don’t have a stable environment to settle down in.
  3. Use fly traps either placed around the duck pen or hung up from the ceiling.
  4. Avoid leaving open food sources around the duck pen, such as uncovered pet food bowls, as this will attract flies and other insects.
  5. Keep the area surrounding the duck pen clean and free of debris where flies may hide or lay eggs.
  6. Place yellow sticky traps around the duck pen to help detect and capture flies.
  7. Use a fly repellent to keep flies away from the duck pen (natural options are available). This should be done regularly for maximum effectiveness. Having a regular maintenance schedule is essential for helping to keep pests under control in the duck pen.

Following these safety tips will give you a good start in creating a safe and comfortable environment for your ducks while reducing the fly population at the same time.

How Can You Prevent Flies From Entering the Duck Pen? 

One of the most effective ways to prevent flies from entering a duck pen is to keep it clean. Remove any spilled food or feed as soon as possible and muck out the pen regularly. Make sure the water for your ducks is always full, clear, and clean as well. Flies are attracted to stagnant water, so replacing it often will help keep them away. It’s also important to reduce areas where flies can congregate and lay their eggs, such as wet grass or areas with decaying organic material.

Keeping the grass mowed and removing any potential breeding grounds can go a long way in keeping these pesky pests out of your duck pen. Installing fine mesh netting around the duck pen is also a great way to keep flies out. The netting should be dense enough to prevent flies from entering while still allowing air and light in.

Keeping the Grass Mowed

The mesh should also have tiny holes to serve as a fly trap – the flies will get stuck in the netting when they attempt to enter the pen. Finally, you can also use natural fly repellents such as essential oils and herbs to keep flies away. Lavender, peppermint, and citronella are all effective at repelling flies naturally.

Natural Fly Deterrents

As you strive to keep flies away from your duck pen, you may also consider employing natural remedies. These solutions not only provide an eco-friendly approach to pest control but are also safe for the ducks and other animals present. Moreover, these alternatives are easy to implement and can be quite effective when used consistently and appropriately.

Plants that Repel Flies

Certain plants can serve as a natural deterrent for flies. Their unique chemical compounds and fragrances are unappealing to these pests, thus keeping them at bay.

1. Marigolds:

Marigolds are not just attractive flowers; they also possess a distinct scent that flies find repulsive. Planting these around your duck pen can help drive flies away.

2. Mint:

Mint is another excellent plant to consider. Its strong aroma is displeasing to flies, deterring them from venturing near your duck pen. Mint can be planted around the area or used in its essential oil form.

Essential Oils and Herbs

Essential oils and specific herbs are also known for their fly-repelling properties. They can be used in sprays, diffusers, or placed around the duck pen.

1. Citronella:

Citronella is a popular natural insect repellent. Its strong scent is distasteful to flies, making it an effective deterrent. Citronella candles or oil diffusers can be used around the duck pen.

2. Basil:

Basil, aside from its culinary uses, is also a potent fly repellant. You can plant basil around the pen or use its essential oil to keep the flies at bay.

Creating a Fly-Repelling Environment

The first step to creating a fly-repelling environment is cleanliness. Regularly cleaning the duck pen and the surrounding areas, removing any potential breeding sites, and ensuring stagnant water doesn’t accumulate are integral. In addition to these, introducing the plants, essential oils, and herbs mentioned earlier can greatly enhance the environment’s resistance to flies. With these carefully chosen natural deterrents, your ducks can enjoy a peaceful, fly-free pen.

Is It Necessary to Clean the Duck Pen Regularly in Order to Reduce Fly Infestations? 

The answer is yes. Cleaning out the duck pen regularly is key to keeping flies away. Remove all droppings, bedding, and food debris regularly to prevent flies from laying eggs and breeding in the area. If you cannot clean the pen daily, try to do it at least once a week to keep fly infestations at bay. Cleaning the pen will also help prevent bacteria and other diseases from spreading among your ducks.

In addition, be sure to avoid overfeeding your ducks as too much food in a small area can attract flies. Change feed regularly and always make sure that all spilled or uneaten food is removed. Finally, make sure to keep your ducks’ water clean and free of debris. Flies are attracted to standing water and can breed in it easily, so change the water regularly and look for any trace of larvae or eggs. This will help reduce fly infestations in your duck pen significantly.

What Are Some Common Signs That Your Ducks May Have Been Exposed to Flies? 

It can be difficult to tell if your ducks have been exposed to flies, as the signs of fly infestation are not always obvious. However, there are some common signs that you should look out for:

  • Excessive scratching or preening caused by pests biting the feathers and skin.
  • A duller than usual appearance to the feathers, caused by pests feeding on the blood.
  • Unusual behavior or restlessness, as ducks may become agitated when disturbed by fly activity.
  • Presence of maggots or other insects in their environment.
  • An increase in the number of flies around your duck pen could be a sign that flies are breeding in the area.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action to keep your ducks safe from pests. The most effective way to protect your ducks from fly infestations is to keep their environment clean and free of potential food sources for the flies.

What is the Best Way to Dispose of Dead Insects and Other Materials That May Attract Flies in a Duck Pen? 

The best practice for disposing of dead insects and other materials that may attract flies in a duck pen is to remove them as soon as possible. This will help reduce the number of flies and decrease the risk of fly-borne diseases. Additionally, you should keep the pen clean and free from standing water or moist areas where flies can lay eggs or find food. A great way to ensure that flies stay away is to use an insecticide spray or powder around the edges of the pen and any areas where there are large numbers of flies.

Additionally, you can use effective traps such as sticky fly strips and electric fly zappers to catch and kill adult flies before they lay eggs. Any dead birds or animals should be quickly removed and disposed of to prevent them from becoming a source of fly infestation. If the duck pen has open water, it is important to check regularly for mosquito larvae and other insects that may attract flies. Finally, keeping the pen well-ventilated will help reduce odors that can draw flies to your ducks.

Duck Health Measures

Veterinary Advice for Preventing Fly-Related Diseases

Consulting a vet is crucial to ensuring your ducks are not at risk of fly-related diseases. Vets can provide advice on regular cleaning schedules, proper food storage, and the use of appropriate pest control methods. They may also recommend vaccinations to guard against diseases carried by pests. A vet can guide you on the use of fly repellents that are safe for ducks and can provide advice on the use of antibiotics or other treatments if your ducks are exposed to diseases carried by flies.

Supplements or Additives to Duck Feed

In addition to regular feed, ducks can benefit from certain supplements or additives that can boost their immunity and help them resist diseases. Probiotics, for instance, can promote gut health, while garlic can act as a natural fly repellent. Other useful additives include apple cider vinegar, which can help maintain pH balance and prevent infections, and diatomaceous earth, which can deter pests when added to the bedding. Always consult a vet or a poultry nutritionist to determine appropriate supplements for your ducks.

Monitoring Duck Behavior for Signs of Stress or Discomfort

Close observation of your ducks’ behavior can alert you to potential health problems. Signs of stress or discomfort may include decreased appetite, changes in vocalization, uncharacteristic aggression, or lethargy. If your ducks are excessively preening or scratching, it may indicate fly infestation. Unusual droppings, reduced egg production, or changes in drinking habits may all be signals of health issues. If you observe any such symptoms, it is important to consult a vet immediately to identify the cause and provide appropriate treatment.


In conclusion, it is possible to keep flies out of duck pens with the right strategies. The most important step is to create a less inviting environment for them, which can be done by ensuring that all food and water sources are covered or removed. It is also a good idea to use fly traps, screens on windows and doors, and natural repellents like clove and garlic oil.

Finally, make sure to clean up any organic waste from the duck pen regularly, as this will help keep flies away. I hope this article has been beneficial for learning how to keep flies out of duck pen. Make Sure the precautionary measures are followed chronologically. 

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