How to Grill Thin Steaks on Gas Grill

Imagine the sizzling sound as the hot grill meets the marinated thin steak, the tantalizing aroma wafting through the air, and the sight of beautifully charred grill lines crisscrossing the juicy slice of meat.

The mouthwatering moment, however, can be elusive when it comes to grilling thin steaks. Too often, the result is an overcooked, dry, and flavorless disappointment. But fear not, because this blog post is your ultimate guide to conquering these challenges.

How to Grill Thin Steaks on Gas Grill

We’re here to show you that achieving grilled thin steak nirvana is not just possible, but absolutely within your reach. Follow along, as we walk you through the key steps of this culinary journey – from choosing the right cut to mastering the cooking technique, and finally, savoring the perfect bite of your expertly grilled thin steak. So, keep on reading to learn more about how to grill thin steaks on gas grill.

Can You Grill Thin Steaks on A Gas Grill?

Grilling is an art form, and trying to perfect it can be a thrilling experience. However, things can get a little tricky when it comes to thin steaks. Can you grill thin steaks on a gas grill? The answer is a resounding yes! In fact, thin steaks are perfect for gas grilling. 

You need to learn to pamper your steaks and get things right. This means you’ll need to be mindful of cooking time and temperature. With the right technique, you’ll end up with juicy, tender steaks full of flavor. So, fire up your gas grill, get ready to learn, and you’ll see that grilling thin steaks is easier than you think!

Why Should You Grill Thin Steaks on Gas Grill?

If you’re a meat lover, you know that the perfect steak can make your taste buds dance with joy. But what about when you only have thin steaks on hand? Fear not! Grilling thin steaks on a gas grill can be the perfect solution. Using a gas grill is a quick and easy way to cook your steaks and allows for even heat distribution. 

This means that regardless of the thickness of the steak, you can ensure that it will cook evenly and be tender and juicy. Plus, with a gas grill, you have the added benefit of being able to control the temperature so that you can cook your steak to your desired level of doneness. So, next time you’re in a rush or just have thin steaks on hand, give grilling on a gas grill a try. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you.

Choosing the Right Thin Steaks

Popular Cuts

  1. Flank Steak: This cut is lean and flavorful, making it an ideal candidate for marinades and quick grilling.
  2. Skirt Steak: Skirt steak offers a richer flavor than flank steak. However, it does require careful trimming.
  3. Hanger Steak: Hanger steak is tender and juicy. However, it’s often thin and uneven, so it requires careful handling on the grill.
  4. Top Sirloin Cap: This cut is similar to ribeye in its flavor and juiciness. However, it’s leaner and often more affordable, making it an excellent choice for discerning grillmasters.

Thickness Matters

Aim for steaks that are between 1/2 inch and 1 inch thick. This thickness ensures that the steak will cook evenly on the grill without drying out.

Quality Counts

When it comes to grilling, the quality of the steak you choose is of utmost importance. Opt for fresh, well-marbled steaks from a reputable butcher for the best results. Remember, the better the steak, the better the taste!

Prepping Your Thin Steaks for Grilling

To ensure the best results when grilling thin steaks on a gas grill, there are several preparatory steps you should follow.


Remove the steaks from the fridge approximately 30 minutes before you plan to start grilling. This allows the steaks to reach room temperature, leading to more even cooking.

Patting Dry

One key to achieving a beautiful browning on your steaks is to remove any excess moisture before grilling. Use paper towels to pat the steaks dry before proceeding to the next step.


Once your steaks are dry, it’s time to season them. A simple seasoning of salt and pepper can be enough, but feel free to experiment with different marinades or rubs to suit your taste.

Optional Tenderizing

For tougher cuts of steak, consider using a meat mallet or a marinade containing tenderizing enzymes. This step can help to break down the tough fibers in the meat, making your thin steaks even more tender and juicy.

Give Grilling on a Gas Grill a Try

How to Grill Thin Steaks on Gas Grill – A Simple and Flavorful Guide

Step 1. Preheat Your Gas Grill

Preheat your gas grill to high heat, about 450°F, and brush the grates with some oil before placing the steaks on it. This will prevent the steak from sticking to the grates while contributing a beautiful crust to the meat.

Step 2. Season Your Steaks

Season your steaks with a generous amount of kosher salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and any other herbs and spices you like. You can use a simple blend of chopped garlic, thyme, and rosemary for a classic flavor or a little dry mustard, smoked paprika, and cumin for a slightly spicy twist.

Step 3. Grill Your Steaks

Lay the steaks on the hot grill and cook them for about two minutes without touching them. Then, use a pair of tongs to turn them over and cook the other side for another two to three minutes, depending on how well done you like your steak. For medium-rare, you should aim for an internal temperature of 135-140°F, while for medium, it’s 145-160°F.

Lay the Steaks on the Hot Grill and Cook

Step 4. Let the Steaks Rest

Once the steaks are cooked to your liking, remove them from the grill and place them on a cutting board. Let them rest for at least five minutes before slicing and serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute within the meat, resulting in a moist and flavorful steak.

Step 5. Slice Your Steaks

Once your steaks have rested, it’s time to slice them. You can simply slice thin steaks against the grain into thin strips. This will ensure that your steak has a nice bite to it without being too chewy or tough.

Step 6. Serve Your Steaks

The last step is to serve your grilled steaks right away while they’re still hot. Serve them with a simple side of grilled vegetables, a salad, or some roasted potatoes for an easy and delicious meal. Enjoy!

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to grill thin steaks on gas grill. With these simple steps, you can enjoy perfectly cooked steak every time. So fire up that grill and get cooking!

Beyond the Basics: Tips and Tricks

Oil or No Oil?

A light coating of oil can help with browning, but avoid excess to prevent flare-ups. The oil not only enhances the browning effect, but also prevents the steaks from sticking to the grill. However, an overabundance can lead to potential flare-ups that could rapidly char your steak, so moderation is key.

Grill Marks for Presentation

Sear steaks at an angle for diamond-shaped grill marks. The grill marks are not just for presentation, they add a delicious charred flavor. To achieve this, place your steak on the grill at a 45-degree angle and turn it 90 degrees halfway through each side’s cooking time.

Flavor Boosters

Add fresh herbs, garlic, or butter during the last minute of cooking. This boosts the flavor profile of your thin steaks, making them even more mouth-watering. Sprigs of rosemary, thyme, and cloves of garlic add a fragrant touch, while a pat of butter gives a rich, savory finish.

Sides and Sauces

Pair your grilled steaks with complementary sides and flavorful sauces. Fresh salads, grilled vegetables, or a potato dish make excellent accompaniments. Sauces such as chimichurri, steak sauce, or a simple compound butter can enhance the steak’s flavor.


Thinly slice leftover steaks for sandwiches, salads, or tacos. Leftover grilled steak is versatile and can be repurposed into many different dishes, providing you with quick and easy meals for the next day.

5 Considerations Things When You Need to Grill Thin Steaks on a Gas Grill

1. Choose the Right Steak

When it comes to grilling thin steaks, you need to make sure you choose the right cut of meat. The best cuts of meat for grilling are ribeye, strip steak, or filet mignon. These cuts of meat are well-marbled, which means they have a higher fat content. This fat content is what helps to keep the steak moist and flavorful when cooked.

2. Season the Steak

Once you’ve chosen your cut of meat, it’s important to season it properly. You’ll want to use a generous amount of salt and pepper to flavor the steak. You can also add other spices, such as garlic powder or onion powder. If you’re using a marinade, make sure to apply it evenly over the surface of the steak.

3. Preheat the Grill

Before you start cooking your steak, you need to make sure the grill is properly preheated. The ideal temperature for grilling steak is between 450 and 500 degrees Fahrenheit. To preheat your grill, simply turn all the burners on high and close the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Make Sure the Grill is Properly Preheated

4. Cook the Steak

Once the grill is preheated, it’s time to cook your steak. You’ll want to cook thin steaks for two minutes per side. Be sure to use tongs to flip the steak so you don’t pierce it and cause all the juices to run out.

5. Let the Steak Rest

After you’ve cooked your steak, it’s important to let it rest for a few minutes before cutting into it. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful steak. Once the steak has rested, you can cut into it and enjoy it!

Benefits of Grill Thin Steaks on Gas Grill

When it comes to grilling thin steaks, gas grills are the way to go. Not only is it faster and more convenient, but it also delivers a flawless sear every time. With a gas grill, you have greater control over the temperature, so you don’t have to worry about overcooking your steak. 

Plus, the high heat allows you to get a great sear on the outside of the steak while still keeping the inside juicy and tender. Another perk of using a gas grill is the ease of clean-up; there’s no need to spend hours scrubbing a charcoal grill. So, fire up the gas grill, grab a cold drink, and cook up some delicious thin steaks for a mouth-watering meal that’s sure to impress.

Some Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Grill Thin Steaks on Gas Grill

Grilling is a quintessential summer activity, but it can quickly turn into a disaster if you’re not careful. Thin steaks, in particular, can be a challenge to cook on a gas grill. One common mistake people make is cooking them at too high a temperature. This can lead to tough, dry meat that is challenging to eat. 

Another mistake is not properly seasoning the steak before putting it on the grill. A sprinkle of salt and pepper can make all the difference in the world. Finally, failing to let the steak rest before serving is a cardinal sin in grilling. Letting it rest for a few minutes allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a moist, flavorful steak. With a little bit of know-how and a lot of patience, you can achieve perfectly grilled thin steaks every time.

Do I Need to Flip My Steak Multiple Times While Cooking It on The Gas Grill?

When it comes to grilling the perfect steak, there are many different techniques and opinions on how to achieve that delicious, juicy flavor. One question that often comes up is whether or not you need to flip your steak multiple times while cooking it on the gas grill. 

While some people swear by the “flip once and don’t touch” method, others believe that flipping the steak multiple times can help it cook more evenly and prevent any tough spots from forming. Ultimately, the decision on how to flip your steak is up to personal preference and experimentation. So grab your tongs and get grilling – who knows, you could stumble upon the best flip method for you!

Flipping the Steak Multiple Times Can Help


Grilling thin steaks on a gas grill is easy and straightforward as long as you follow these simple tips and tricks. Remember to choose the right cut of steak, preheat your grill, season your steaks well, and grill them over high heat for a short time. And don’t forget to let them rest before slicing and serving. 

With this easy-to-follow recipe, you can enjoy delicious and juicy steaks every time you grill – whether you are a beginner or an experienced griller. Cheers to a perfect summer of grilling! Thanks for reading our post about how to grill thin steaks on gas grill.

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