How to Clean Pee Off Furniture With Salt

When your beloved pet has an accident and soils the furniture, cleaning adequately can be challenging. Beyond the smell you may associate with pee, urine can also seep into distressed fabrics or cushions, leading to discoloration and long-term damage that’s difficult, if not impossible, to reverse.

How to Clean Pee Off Furniture With Salt

However, there is good news: cleaning up after your furry friend doesn’t have to make you pull out your hair! Salt might sound like a strange choice of cleaner product. Still, combined with other household items, it works together as an effective alternative for removing pee from furniture completely – without spending too much time or money in the process.

Keep reading our blog today as we explore how to clean pee off furniture with salt!

What Will You Need?

  • Table salt
  • Warm water
  • Vinegar
  • Clean, dry cloth or towel

Once you have these readily available, the rest is super easy.

10 Easy Steps on How to Clean Pee Off Furniture With Salt

Step 1. Blot the Pee:

When you notice the pee, use a dry cloth or paper towel to blot as much of it as possible. Make sure not to rub in, as this can push the pee further into the fabric. As soon as you’ve removed the excess moisture, move on to Step 2.

Step 2. Sprinkle the Salt:

Once you’ve blotted out as much pee as possible, generously sprinkle table salt over the affected area. Salt helps to draw out the remaining moisture from the fabric and neutralize the unpleasant odor. Let the salt sit for at least 10-15 minutes to allow it to absorb the urine. After the waiting period is over, vacuum up the salt.

Step 3. Prepare the Cleaning Solution:

You can prepare your cleaning solution while the salt is absorbing the urine. Mix equal parts of warm water and vinegar in a bowl. Vinegar is a great natural cleaner that can help remove the stain and neutralize any remaining odors. Once your cleaning solution is ready, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4. Apply the Cleaning Solution:

Now, take your vinegar and warm water solution and gently apply it to the soiled area. You can use a clean cloth or sponge for this. Dab the solution onto the stain, careful not to oversaturate the fabric. The goal is to moisten the affected area without soaking it. Once you’ve done this, leave the solution to do its work for about 5 minutes.

Take Your Vinegar and Warm Water Solution

Step 5. Blot the Area Again:

After letting the cleaning solution sit for about 5 minutes, it’s time to blot the area again with a dry cloth or towel. This step helps remove the cleaning solution and any remaining pee residue. Be sure to blot rather than rub to avoid spreading the stain or pushing it deeper into the fabric. Once you’ve blotted up as much of the solution as possible, let the area air dry. If the stain or odor still persists after the area is fully dry, you may need to repeat the process. Remember, patience is key when dealing with stubborn stains.

Step 6. Evaluate the Area:

Once the area is arid, evaluate the situation. If the stain or smell is still present, don’t worry. Stubborn stains may require a few rounds of treatment. Simply repeat the process from Step 2, ensuring each time that you are allowing the salt and the cleaning solution adequate time to work their magic. If, after several attempts, the stain or odor is still there, consider professional cleaning services or furniture repair. Remember, the key to effective cleaning is patience and persistence.

Step 7. Neutralize Any Remaining Odor:

Even after the stain is removed, there might be some lingering odor. To address this, sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit for a few hours, ideally overnight. Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odors. After allowing the baking soda to sit, vacuum it up. You should find that any remaining unpleasant smells are now gone. If not, feel free to repeat the process until you achieve the desired result.

Step 8. Final Cleaning:

After all the odor has been neutralized, it’s time for a final clean. Mix a mild detergent with warm water and gently clean the area with a soft cloth. This will not only give a final touch to your cleaning process but also restore the fabric’s texture and shine. After cleaning, blot the area with a dry towel to remove excess moisture, and then allow the furniture to air dry completely. Ensure you do not leave any soap residue, as it can attract dirt. As a final step, you can also use a fabric freshener or essential oil spray to make your furniture smell great.

Step 9. Vacuum the Area:

Once the furniture is completely dry, vacuum the area to restore the fabric’s natural texture. This can also help remove any residual salt or baking soda left in the fabric. Be careful not to disrupt the fabric’s fibers while vacuuming. Take your time with this step, and take your time to ensure the fabric is fully restored.

Step 10. Regular Maintenance:

Finally, it’s crucial to regularly clean your furniture to prevent any long-term damage. Quick action when accidents happen, and regular cleaning can help keep your furniture looking fresh and new. Having a routine cleaning schedule will also make cleaning less tedious when accidents occur.

Quick Action When Accidents Happen

There you have it! A comprehensive guide on how to clean pee off furniture with salt. With these simple steps, you can extend the life of your furniture and maintain a clean and healthy space for you and your pet.

5 Additional Tips and Tricks

Tip 1. Regular Vacuuming:

Regular vacuuming of your furniture helps to keep it clean and fresh and also makes it easier to clean up when accidents do occur. It helps remove dust and pet hair, making pee stains more difficult to clean.

Tip 2. Train Your Pet:

Consider investing some time in toilet training your pet. This will save your furniture and make your and your pet’s life more comfortable.

Tip 3. Use a Waterproof Cover:

If you have a pet that frequently has accidents, consider using a waterproof cover on your furniture. This makes cleanup much more accessible and protects your furniture from potential damage.

Using a Waterproof Cover on Your Furniture

Tip 4. Test Cleaning Solutions:

Always test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous part of your furniture before applying it to a stain. This will ensure it does not discolor or damage the fabric.

Tip 5. Professional Cleaning:

If a stain is particularly stubborn, it might be worth considering professional cleaning services. They have specialized tools and cleaning solutions that remove tough stains and odors.

With these additional tips and tricks, you can keep your furniture looking clean and smelling fresh.

6 Things You Should Avoid

Avoid 1. Scrubbing the Stain:

Scrubbing is the best way to remove a stain, but it can push the urine more profound into the fabric. Permanently blot stains instead of scrubbing to prevent spreading the stain.

Avoid 2. Using Hot Water:

Avoid using hot water to clean the stain as it can set the stain and make it more difficult to remove. Always use cold or lukewarm water for cleaning.

Avoid 3. Ignoring Stains:

The longer a stain sits, the harder it is to remove. Always act quickly when you notice a stain to prevent it from becoming a long-term problem.

Avoid 4. Using Too Much Cleaning Solution:

Oversaturating the stain with a cleaning solution can lead to residue build-up. It’s always better to use the minimal solution required and rinse thoroughly after cleaning.

Avoid 5. Using Scented Cleaners or Deodorizers:

While these products might mask the smell temporarily, they won’t remove it. Moreover, they might mix with the urine smell to create an even more unpleasant odor. Always use unscented, enzyme-based cleaners for best results.

Avoid 6. Using Harsh Chemicals:

Harsh chemicals can damage the fabric of your furniture and may be harmful to your pets. Always opt for natural, pet-safe cleaning solutions.

Harsh Chemicals Can Damage the Fabric

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can effectively clean pee off furniture with salt without causing any further damage.


Cleaning pee off furniture is not fun, but with salt, you will have each accident cleaned in no time! Give salt a go the next time you’re in a sticky mess. Encourage your family and friends to keep a box of salt handy in case of any accidents. Remember that cleanliness is next to godliness, and caring for surfaces within your home will extend their lifespan and make them look as good as new.

Hopefully, the article on how to clean pee off furniture with salt has provided you with valuable information and tips on how to remove stains and odors effectively. With patience, persistence, and the right techniques, you can maintain a clean and fresh home for you and your furry friends. 

Let’s take proactive steps to ensure our homes are pleasant spaces for everyone to relax and feel comfortable in – after all, having quality furniture at home is essential to make it homier. Don’t let any unforeseen accidents prevent your dreams from becoming reality!

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